Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Network as a Service (OpenNaaS) - software defined networks taken to new level

[It is exciting to see the Mantychore team in Europe undertake to move software defined networks to a new level of sophistication and ease of use.
Mantychore is currently producing a tool to automate the generation of IP networks within the framework of Network as a Service called: “OpenNaaS.” OpenNaaS is built on some earlier concepts developed in the CANARIE UCLP program, now extended to IP networks and low carbon architectures like Greenstar.

The Mantychore team will be hosting a workshop at the Terena meeting in May. During the workshop there will be active engagement with any potential OpenNaaS users to meet their business needs with an emphasis on practical implementations. There will be demonstrations of OpenNaaS and discussion on how communications industry and service providers can leverage Mantychore Open NaaS to develop new business models—BSA]

Mantychore OpenNaaS

Mantychore Open NaaS in the Greenstar network
R&E Network and Green Internet Consultant.
email: Bill.St.Arnaud@gmail.com
twitter: BillStArnaud
blog: http://billstarnaud.blogspot.com/
skype: Pocketpro